Monday, December 29, 2008

Turn or Burn? The Meaning of Repentance...

In a sermon I recently preached, I mentioned that the verb "to repent" does not mean "to turn from sin" or "reform one’s lifestyle" as many preachers and teachers have taught for some time. It is my conviction that this definition of repentance is more closely tied to ancient Roman Catholic ideas than it is to a biblical understanding of the word. I too was raised with idea that repentance means "making a 180-degree turn from sin toward righteousness." In fact, this definition of repentance is so prevalent among many evangelical Christians, that it often comes as a shock to people when I question it.....

The Greek verb "to repent" is metanoeo - a compound from meta (meaning "to change") and gnosis (meaning "mind, perspective or knowledge"). Etymologically, the biblical definition of the verb "to repent" is clearly "to change one’s mind or perspective." The etymology of a biblical word is always where we begin our journey in seeking to understand its meaning.

Once we have identified this, we then begin to consider the various ways in which the word or concept is used Scripturally - since context ultimately determines meaning. It is clear that Scripture sometimes links repentance to a turning from sin. For example, the rough Hebrew equivalent of the Greek metanoeo is used to describe the Ninevites who "repented" at the preaching of Jonah (Jonah 3). There is no doubt that turning from sin can accompany repentance. The big question is whether or not "repentance" and "turning from sin" are in fact. synonymous. This may sound like a technicality, but it is hugely significant in our understanding of the true Gospel of grace.

Much of the debate over "repentance" revolves around two theological "camps" within evangelicalism – The "Lordship Salvation" camp and the "Free Grace Salvation" camp. I once vigorously supported the former, and have since moved toward the latter as I’ve come to what I believe is greater clarity on these matters.

The Lordship Salvationists claim that "repentance" (defined as "turning from sin and surrendering to Christ as Master and Lord) is synonymous with what they call "saving faith." The most outspoken proponents of this view over the past 20 years include teachers like John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Kenneth Gentry and others.

Free Grace salvationists like myself point out that if "turning from sin" were a requirement or ingredient of authentic "saving faith" - this would combine works as part of the Gospel, making Christianity essentially no different from any other legalistic religion. The Lordship theologians (most of whom come from a hyper-Calvinist viewpoint that I once espoused) get around this by their conviction that since salvation includes nothing of the will of humans, then "turning from sin" cannot be considered works-based salvation. In other words, since God essentially "forces" the turning from sin and submission upon the elect individual as a work of his elective process, it’s not really the human "turning" of his own volition – and therefore cannot be considered a human "work."

The bottom line is that the New Testament word "repent" literally means "a change of mind." It is always desirable that a change of lifestyle would accompany biblical repentance. This is why in the very first occurrence of the word in the New Testament, John the Baptist challenges the religious Jews to "produce fruit in keeping with (their) repentance" (Matt. 3). If repentance were synonymous with a changed lifestyle as Lordship Salvationists claim, then John’s words would seem a rather redundant since he in essence would be saying "change your lifestyle in keeping with your changed lifestyle." Clearly, it seems more reasonable to define repentance for what the word actually means rather than reading a pre-conceived theological idea into it that was not originally there. A change of lifestyle can (and should ) accompany a change of perspective about God and Jesus and life – but it is dangerous to imprecisely use these terms in relation to the Gospel. If there is anything we MUST get right as Christians – it’s the Gospel!

When someone exercises faith in Christ (which the Scriptures repeatedly teach is the sole condition for salvation) - in essence, that person has repented by the true definition. They have changed their perspective. They have gone from unbelief to belief – from not trusting in Christ’s finished work on the cross to trusting in Him alone for their rescue. However, if repentance (defined as turning from sin) is part of the Gospel offer - then it is no Gospel at all and no different from the basic ideas of Islam, Mormonism or any other legalistic faith.

When Paul was asked "What must I do to be saved?" he thunderously responded "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!" (Acts 16:30-31). Jesus and the Apostles were united on this point - and we would be also. In his first edition of The Gospel According to Jesus, John MacArthur makes the terribly inaccurate statement "True faith is humble, submissive obedience." (p. 140). I have benefitted from many of the works of Dr. MacArthur and those who espouse his views, and I choose to believe that he was not trying to be deliberately dishonest when he wrote this and other shocking statements like it throughout his book. But this is at best a gross error in understanding what biblical faith is. To be fair, MacArthur softened his words in subsequent revisions of this book.

The Bible repeatedly affirms that changing one’s perspective (repentance) often involves turning from sin. Often the very change of perspective itself is related to the emptiness of living in sin as opposed to living for God. It is also commanded and desirable that all people – including believers – exercise a lifestyle of repentance (which would include, but not be defined as "turning away from a sinful lifestyle wherever possible and living for God.") There are often horrible earthly consequences connected to living in rebellion against God.

I will conclude this brief analysis by stating that I am mindful of the fact that many sincere brothers and sisters in Christ disagree over this issue of the meaning of repentance. While I am presently convinced of my understanding as opposed to the "Lordship Salvation" camp, I respect much of what those theologians have articulated in other areas of theology. Which ever position you lead toward, I invite you to share your thoughts with me on this blog.....

Pastor Jeremy


  1. Very good analysis. I find it somewhat intriguing that the question often posed in these debates is "must Christ be lord to be savior?". This is tantamount to considering the cart prior to the horse. I'm convinced that the New Testament, properly understood, teaches that Christ must be savior to be lord, not vice versa.

  2. Hi Jeremy! I have to be honest I didn't read the above yet, but I just wanted to say thanks for checking out my blog and now i will read yours! I miss you and can't wait for the real wedding!

  3. For a longer and more comfortable life, put together your plan for a healthy lifestyle and live up to it.

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  4. Interesting analysis. Perhaps the foundation for the Lordship salvationists (I admit I never knew there were such camps), is built on a similar misunderstanding of Peter's response to the crowd in Acts 2:38.

    Based on your etymology, Peter's use of 'repent' (metanoeo) would mean that he was exhorting the crowd to change their minds, and not to (necessarily) turn away from their sins (insert Jeff Slaughter VBS movement here).

    I've always understood that salvation is by grace through faith. We must receive it, but that is our only effort that has an impact. The turning away from sin comes after the salvation experience in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

    I've recently starting emphasizing to our small group and others that salvation is an event. I believe we have a lot of folks in our world today who have had a change of mind, but not a change of heart. This, I think, is the potential danger of not emphasizing that repentance includes a turning away from sin.

    People today are seeking and want to "try on" Christianity like they would try on a new coat. They want to see how it feels, whether or not church is fun or they meet some cool people there. In short, they are putting Christ on trial to determine if His "religion" is right for them.

    I'm not saying all do this, but that is a potential danger with this approach.

    Salvation is an event. Paul experienced it. The Centurion Cornelius (and his household) experienced it. If someone wants to accept Christ as their Savior (and Lord), it happens in a moment. They can seek, consider, attend church, read the Bible, and so on, but until the moment they receive the Holy Spirit and make a decision to receive Him, they are not Christians. Not yet.
