Sunday, March 28, 2010

Generous Joe and "Greedy Rich"

OK, I haven't blogged on Raw and Relevant about anything political in a few weeks. So here it goes...

Lately I have heard a lot of rhetoric from the far left about how these "greedy rich" people who make over $200K/year should shut up and accept that they owe their fellow countrymen universal health care - courtesy of a boatload of increased taxes. Incidentally, the President has recently mentioned that his campaign promise to only raise taxes on those earning $200K or more will likely drop to incomes MUCH less than that...but I digress.

Anyway, my compassionate heart could almost be swayed by an emotional argument like that if it weren't for a few stubborn things called facts. According to USA Today, a "study of wealthy households in 2005 found average yearly donations of $40,746 from people with incomes from $200,000 per year to $500,000 per year."

The 2008 report also goes on to reveal that Vice President Joe Biden - according to his 1999-2008 tax returns - gave an average of $369 per year to charity over that decade. Stop for a moment to re-read that sentence...

Does anyone else find it even slightly hypocritical that the VP would be lecturing hard-working Americans about their duty to pay higher taxes when they already give thousands of percent more of their income to the less fortunate than does Biden? What's wrong with this picture?

Don't get me wrong. I could care less what Biden gives. That is between him, his conscience and God. What I do admit is that I find it a tad irritating when Biden and his supporters attempt to demonize successful small business owners and investors as "greedy" folks who don't care about those who can't afford to go to the doctor.

Mr. Biden, I know that you'll never run across a little blog written by a nobody like me, but if I could fantasize for a moment that you might somehow stumble across Raw and Relevant, allow me to say this. According to your own tax records, my wife and I donate more to charity......every two weeks......than you do in a year. I do not say this to boast, Mr. Vice President - but to illustrate the following point:

Like many of my friends, I work long weeks in a vocation devoted to serving the needs of others. I am privileged and thankful for the middle-class income God provides for us. I live in a modest 31-year-old home that will need a new roof in a few years. The latest-model automobile we own is a 1999 Honda Minivan with a salvaged title we bought off Craigslist. Material crap just doesn't compare to the joy of a loving marriage and healthy children. Our aim is not to be rich - but to be generous with what we have, which is more than I can say for you. Mr. Vice President, how about LOWERING the tax burden on those who actually create jobs and wealth for others?

JEREMY!!! WAKE UP!!! THIS ISN'T A REAL CONVERSATION!!! Ahhh...but if it were - would you agree or disagree with me? Feel free to chime in with respectful dialogue no matter your opinion...


  1. What a great example of a leader we have for this country... Living for the me!!! He is definitely not the best role model for helping others. We really have to becareful and teach the new generation the art of giving by monetary or of oneself. They seem to be learning more about Me... and feel they are entitled to take what is not theirs at the cost of hurtings others. We need to teach them by example unforuntely it won't be by this V.P.

  2. I agree Teresa. The "evil" Dick Cheney only gave away 77% of his income to charity the past few years...
