Thursday, February 18, 2010

Right on the Money

Let's face it. Money is not the most popular subject to talk about at church. Some pastors loathe the idea of teaching on the subject. Many church members nestle down into their seats, catch the sermon title and think to themselves, "Money? Aw, man - why did I come to church today?" or "Why did I invite my friend to church today of ALL days?"

Why is money such a big deal? I think because along with sex and political beliefs, it is viewed as an extremely personal issue. And it is. But its not one we can pretend doesn't affect us deeply.

Most of us are great at compartmentalizing our lives. We tend to think of categories like our "emotional" lives, our "intellectual" lives, our "material" lives and our "spiritual" lives. But Jesus made no such distinction. In Jesus' view, all of life is spiritual.

So while I can definitely sympathize with feeling uneasy when ministries beg for money and manipulate people to give more - I can assure you that there will be no begging or manipulation this Valley. We want people to understand how to manage money in a biblically informed way that enables greater freedom in their lives. "Right on the Money" will be a 2-part miniseries followed by a live Simulcast with Dave Ramsey on March 13 at Valley. Here is a brief overview:

FEB. 21 - "Master Your Money (Or It Will Master You)" taught by me (Jeremy) will solidify a theological framework for possessing money rightly rather than it possessing you. This will be a passionate teaching which will also confront and expose false teachings such as the so-called "Prosperity Gospel." You won't wanna miss this...

FEB. 28 - "When the Bottom Falls Out (Rebuilding After the Storm)" taught by Pastor Raleigh Galgan. This message will encourage and teach people who have been swept up in the financial tidal wave of the recent recession - as well as give practical tools to those desiring to avoid financial ruin in the future. This will also be a Sunday you won't wanna miss...

MAR. 13 - On this Saturday, we will be hosting Dave Ramsey's live simulcast of "The Total Money Makeover". If you haven't seen Ramsey's show on Fox Business Network or would like to familiarize yourself, check out his website at This seminar will inform and inspire you to move beyond merely managing your money - and propel you into a life of greater freedom in this deeply personal area.

Hope to see you this Sunday at Valley at 9am (contemporary or traditional services available) or 11am (contemporary only). If you have questions, call the church at 707-448-7222 or visit our website at

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