What is truth? In John 18, Pilate asked Jesus that exact question. The answer may be one of the most consequential conclusions we ever come to. In an increasingly relativistic culture like ours, objective truth is a concept that fewer and fewer people seem to believe in. To suggest that one particular idea or belief system is true to the exclusion of any other is seen by many as arrogant at best - and dangerous at worst.
Yet, Jesus told Pilate that "everyone on the side of truth listens to me." Jesus also made exclusive claims about Himself being the only way by which a person could find God (John 14:6). According to Jesus, objective truth does exist and is found in Him. In today's smorgas-board approach to life and spirituality, it seems that the highest of virtues is not truth, or even love - but "tolerance".
Tolerance is actually a great word and a very biblical concept, when properly understood. The traditional understanding of tolerance meant respecting the fact that everyone has equal rights to believe what they want to believe according to their own conscience. Christians support this kind of tolerance as consistent with the volitional and rational capabilities God has given to humanity.
But in recent times, tolerance has been radically re-defined. No longer is the concept focused on equal rights to individual beliefs - but instead, today's "tolerance" seeks to force everyone to affirm that all views are equally right. So is this a wise philosophy to embrace? Is it true that all belief systems are equally valid and that truth is merely whatever the individual happens to decide is in fact true? Or is there an objective, higher and absolute realm of truth which applies to all people, from all cultures, for all of time?
Beginning this Sunday at Valley Church, we will be launching a brand-new 3-part series called "True(ish)". We will be investigating the answer to these and other questions which are crucial to the process of critical thinking, sound decision-making and ultimately discovering whether the claims of Jesus and the Scriptures are trustworthy. What do YOU think about this issue of absolute truth? Does it exist? If so, is it possible to find and understand? Feel free to chime in here with your thoughts - and also please join us this Sunday at Valley Church (9am and 11am - 5063 Maple Rd. Vacaville, CA. 95687, www.valleychurch.com). Blessings to you...
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