So I am getting ready to close out our 8-week series on "The Beatitudes" this Sunday. In case you don't know, these are a series of 8 statements Jesus makes in Matthew 5 at the beginning of his most well-known sermon. They all begin with the words "Blessed are..." As we conclude the series, the final Beatitude is admittedly one of the more intense subjects, where Jesus says, "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven."
November 8 was the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. While its great that we have a Sunday to remember specifically those who suffer intense persecution, in a way it is sad that we need to set aside a day to remind us to be aware of what we should never forget in the first place - that followers of Jesus were never promised popularity. Even so, this does not mean that we should wear supposed "persecution" as a badge of honor. Allow me to explain...
I have known numerous professing Christians who basically live with a "martyr mind-set". They reason that symptoms like the following somehow "prove" they are suffering for Jesus:
1) having few close friends to share life with
2) people avoiding them when they enter the room
3) dealing with doors being slammed in their face as though they were unwanted vacuum-cleaner salesmen
4) seldom being invited to hold prominent positions in community affairs
While symptoms like these certainly MAY indicate a form of discrimination or rejection, they are often nowhere NEAR what would qualify as real "persecution" by Christ's own statement. Unfortunately, many professing Christians are avoided, excluded or rejected by others NOT because they are being persecuted, but because they are being idiots. They themselves are simply unlikeable people. Whether it's their "cram-it-down-your-throat" approach to evangelism, or their self-righteous attitude toward "sinners", or their unwillingness to really listen and respond to the needs, doubts, questions and criticisms of their neighbors, I am afraid that often what passes as persecution against American Christians is really nothing more than a reasonable reaction to an unloving approach to life and faith.
So what exactly WOULD qualify as legitimate "persecution"? Jesus said that the "Blessed" would be those who are persecuted because of RIGHTEOUSNESS - not the SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS I just mentioned! He continues in Matthew 5:17 to say, "I (Jesus) came to 'fulfill' the Law" - and He goes on in Matthew 5:20 to warn that "unless your righteousness exceeds that of the will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." That's the MAIN point of the Sermon on Mount. Unlike the philosophy of the Pharisees, Jesus was trying to get people to see that "righteousness" (i.e. being in a "right" relationship with God) cannot be attained by stacking up an impressive resume of good works. And to further drive this point home, He goes on to say that if you LUST, its the same as ADULTERY before God. If you are ANGRY, it's the same as MURDER. If you take an OATH, you are SINNING. If you WORRY, you are not living faithfully.
So many people approach the Sermon on the Mount as though it's message is "Watch out! If you struggle with lust - you're a dirty-rotten sinner! You'd better do such and such....or else!" The REAL point Jesus is making is exactly the opposite! He's trying to get people (especially the Pharisees) to see that "The reason you struggle with lust - is BECAUSE you are a sinner! So don't think that just because you've never physically cheated on your spouse you are innocent!" His point is not "You'd better do this!" His point is "You CANNOT do this! You cannot live up to God's holy standards. Not even the Pharisees (who keep all these hundreds of laws meticulously) can live up to them. That's the bad news. The good news is that I came to 'fulfill' the Law on your behalf. It is a FREE GIFT to you - not something you work to earn or keep."
Jesus later describes this truth about how to be "right" (righteous) before God as a "narrow gate". In other words, the way to God is exclusively through faith in Jesus. Jesus is not ONE of MANY options available on the spiritual smorgas board. Rather, He is the ONLY way to be right with God. THIS is the "righteousness" for which Christians are persecuted legitimately. This is why every time a Christian goes on Larry King or Oprah, they inevitably hear the same question: "So do you actually think that everyone who doesn't believe in Jesus is going to hell?" The question is obviously a rhetorical one, intended to generate a sense that these Christians must be the most back-woods, un-enlightened, old-fashioned, narrow-minded bigots in the universe!
THAT message - the message of "righteousness" through Jesus alone in a relativistic, pluralistic world - is the phenomenon that will bring persecution to His followers. Always has, always will. Paul said that the message of the cross is "foolishness" to those who are perishing (1 Cor. 1:18). It is just a fact - and the challenge I receive from this reality is two-fold:
First, if I am persecuted because of righteousness - because of demonstrating and preaching the exclusive Gospel of Jesus as the only way to be made right with God - then there is nothing I need to worry about. I am "blessed" in knowing that I am being faithful to the message my Savior left me to proclaim.
But there is an equally important second challenge - namely, that while it is OK if people are offended by the message, it is NOT OK if they are offended by the messenger (me). The message is exclusive, but the messenger should not be exclusivistic - thinking it his or her mandate to act like an arrogant, know-it-all, Bible-thumper who won't listen to another viewpoint or become friends with someone outside their church bubble. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. With confidence, there is also ample room for humility. With arrogance, humility is choked out completely.
So as you go about your week, be confident in knowing that if people reject you because you agree with Jesus' claim to be the ONLY Way to God - you are BLESSED. They are not really rejecting you - but rather rejecting the teaching of Jesus. On the other hand, if you are a Christian who is inclined to see yourself as a "martyr" because nobody likes you - take a deep look within and ask yourself, "Are people repulsed by the message OR...the messenger?" If it is the latter, ask God to help you make the changes necessary to let your love speak louder than your words...
Feel free to chime in with your thoughts and questions...
Law and Gospel, imagine that, the law driving us in despair to Christ. The cross is a rock of offense, if you omit the cross and throw in some theraputic mysticism, you can fill a basketball arena in Houston and get beg shiny teeth.