The Bible never ceases to amaze me. I was reading the Book of Hebrews - where it says "After he (Jesus) had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven" (Hebrews 1:3). Hebrews is a book about a Priest named Jesus Christ whom - the Book claims - is infinitely greater than any human priest.
Under the Old Covenant Law, the ancient Hebrew priests would serve God in the temple by daily offering sacrifices to Yahweh on behalf of the sinful people. On one particular day each year - the Day of Atonement - the High Priest would sacrifice an unblemished lamb to cover the sins of the entire nation of Israel. When you study the details and practices of the ancient Jewish temple, you will notice that there exist no chairs in the line up of temple furniture.
In the Hebrew Scriptures, the priests are always pictured as active - their daily shifts filled with constant work to be done - and no break room to be found on the premises! Not exactly "kosher" by modern labor standards (pun intended), but an important reality. "Why is that important?" you ask? Because of the contrast between that OLD reality and the NEW reality pictured in Jesus Christ.
Just prior to breathing His last on the cross, Jesus reportedly cried out "It is finished" and He physically died. The Book of Hebrews expands on the meaning of that finished work by stating that Jesus "sat down" at God's right hand. This is an incredibly big deal - and one of the major reasons I believe Christianity to be in a class by itself. While other faiths demand a constant focus on righting one's own wrongs (whether it be through penance, karma, observance of the 5 pillars, following the Law, etc.), Jesus alone claims that the work is over and done with.
By "sitting down" after His sacrificial death on the cross - Jesus is making a very clear statement: There is no more work left to be done in terms of pleasing God! If the Bible is true (and I believe it is) then those who trust Christ alone rather than their own self-perceived efforts are already, permanently and irreversibly pleasing to God. The ultimate "High Priest" has ended His work. Christ provided the "once for all" sacrifice that offers a permanently clean state to everyone who asks for it by simply trusting Jesus. This assurance does not come by earning it through good works on the front side - nor proving it through good works on the back side (as many well-intentioned Christians erroneously believe).
This means that as a follower of Jesus - I am free to live for Him without the pressure of mistaking God for a cosmic bill-collector getting ready to fine me for every late or incomplete payment of my debt! The debt has been paid in full! The Judge is completely satisfied. And yet - probably 90% of Christians I meet do not live with this assurance. I would be interested in YOUR thoughts pertaining to these claims.....feel free to comment - and thanks for reading!
"It is finished" might be the 3 most important words ever spoken and I am so thankful for those words being screamed out on the cross. Another thing I'm thankful for is the fact that my debt has already been paid. I've seen other Christians who do good in order to get into heaven when it's not all about being a "good person." Atheists can be good law abiding citizens, doesn't mean they'll be making it through the gates. At the end of the day I'm glad to be living for someone who has paid our debts and will continue to live for someone who saved my life, now if only he could pay for out parking tickets ;-) haha, hope you liked that one.
ReplyDeleteThe book of Hebrews is amazing and truly shows what it means to be a follower of Jesus. As Jesus said in the home of Mary and Martha, there is only one thing needed.....and that is SITTING at His feet. It truly is finished and I think one of the most holy acts of worship we can do is sit still....doing nothing to please God. To sit and know that He is already pleased because of the blessed Jesus...this is truly an act of worship worth taking part in.
ReplyDeleteHi Jeremy,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that most Christains (including myself) don't fully understand that it is finished and that our sins are completely forgiven. I might know it in my mind, but to know it in my heart and live it out is another type of deal. I am thankful that he loves us on his standards and not ours. Sometimes I think I understand with my heart, but most of the time I revert back to what is "normal" for me. I trust that he will continue to work on me in this area (as well as others too, its not my only flaw...darn).
Thanks for commenting everyone. Great to hear from you, Gayle! I definitely relate to your struggle of toggling back and forth between head and heart. As much as I want to embrace my identity in Christ on a daily basis - I often allow my doubts, weaknesses, sins and fears to prevent me from fully enjoying it. Thankfully, God is ever-patient and always gracious in our quest to "be transformed by the renewing of (our) minds." (Romans 12)....
ReplyDeleteHi Jeremy: Another thought about the OT sacrificial system. In Lev.4:32-34, when a person volitionally sinned, he had to bring a lamb to the Priest, put his hand on its head and slay it with its blood poured out. The lamb was taking our place, dying because of my sin. In the NT Christ our Lamb sheds His blood and with I John 1:9 & 7, we are assured that His blood takes away all our sin. Bonhoffer calles it "costly grace." Keep preaching it, my brother. You are in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteHey Pastor Ben - great to hear from you and thanks for your additional thoughts. Many of my insights and convictions about the all-sufficient grace of God were influenced by YOU! You preached it and you lived it in front of me and many others. We love and miss you guys. Give our love and regards to Ginny!