This Sunday at Valley Church, I am kicking off a 4-week series of messages from the Book of Jonah called "Shipwrecked: A Rebel's Guide to Obedience." As I have been taking a fresh look at this familiar story, I am amazed at the reality that sometimes a Bible story can become so familiar that we cease to be amazed by it.
When I imagine what it must have been like to slosh around for 72 hours in a pool of stomach-acid, dead fish, seaweed and internal organs, my gag reflex is almost triggered just thinking about it! Have you ever been in a situation you thought was your worst nightmare? I have felt that way on a couple of occasions. And yet, as I was thinking through the narrative, I focused afresh on one primary reality: sometimes the storms in our lives - whether self-inflicted or there by no fault of our own - are the blessings we need to help us change directions. The last verse of chapter one goes so far as to say that "The LORD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah..."
How often do we think of our troubles as something God actually "provides" for us? Probably not often. If you are like me, you sometimes struggle to embrace the idea of blessings in disguise. I mean, you want the blessing - just not the "in disguise" part. If you've ever messed up in life - disobeyed God or even your own conscience - whether big time or in little ways - I invite you to join us for what promises to be a very practical and life-changing trip through one of the most intriguing little books of the Bible!
Valley Church is located at 5063 Maple Road in Vacaville, CA. You can visit us online at Our gatherings are at 8AM, 9:30AM and 11AM. Hope to see you there - and please feel free to chime in if you want to share your thoughts on this blog!!!
I love the way you phrased this. So many times we think "why me Lord?" like we're entitled to the perfect life. I came across James Chapter 1 verses 2-3 "My brethen, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." Truly remarkable.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of trials, surprise surprise! Haha, but I understand that my trials help me grow as a man and as a Christian therefore as unpleasant as they might be at times I do welcome them knowing that this life isn't the end which is a comforting feeling.
God provides. He provides us with relationships, He provides us with a roof over our head whether large or small, and when we fall on hard times He provides us with a shoulder to lean on to help us through our trials and come out a stronger person than we were before.
As fun as the political topics are to debate about these biblical blogs are the ones that truly capture my heart and mean the most to me. Thanks for the post, friend.
Thanks Ryan. You are missed in your hometown by me and all you homies. Hope you are doing well...