Upon rolling out of bed earlier this morning, I turned on the news - switching back and forth between FOX and CNN. Riots continue in Iran over the alleged "rigged" election. A rogue North Korean vessel believed to be headed for Singapore and suspected of transporting illegal nuclear devices is about to be intercepted by the USS John McCain. The hunt for Bin Laden drags on in Pakistan. The U.S. prepares to "fight" a dragging economy by burying our children's financial future under $12 trillion (yes, trillion) in deficit spending over the next 10 years. The unemployment rate begins to approach double digits...and taxes are being INCREASED across the board. It makes a person wonder if whether our house and senate members ever sat through even the most basic course in free market economics.
As a follower of Jesus, I'm not immune from wrestling with angst over these realities. I trust that God is in charge, and yet I long for a world where peace is the rule rather than the exception. I long for a world where individuals voluntarily take care of one another's needs rather than relying on the government to do so. I long for a planet where racism is replaced by equality, and where God's kingdom comes and His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
Herein lies the paradoxical reality of following Jesus. We live with the tension that on the one hand, a form of the "kingdom" of God is already present and is being manifest through Christ's Church bringing grace and healing to the sinful and wounded. On the other hand, those of us who take the Bible at face value realize that as history unfolds, God's Word predicts increasing wickedness rather than righteousness leading up to the return of Jesus. Jesus said that as the end approaches, "nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom." Paul wrote that in the last of the "last days", people would become more violent and self-serving than ever. I have always wrestled with the reality that Jesus' reign was inaugurated at His first coming, will be consummated at His second coming - and WE live in the "already but not yet" phase of it all. There is so much possibility for peace and healing right NOW if people would but turn to Jesus and follow Him. Yet both Biblical prophecy and common-sense observation suggests that things aren't improving - and won't get drastically better on earth until Jesus comes again.
I would be interested in knowing where YOU stand. What do you think?
Hello! :)
ReplyDelete"already, but not yet" phase of it all. Well put! An even closer look at the situation (in scripture and in the real world) shows that the church itself has fallen victim to the slide of wickedness, with "christians" leading other "christians" to war, division, abuse of others, and self-serving politics. The "truth" gets harder and harder to find, buried in all the doctrine and dogma of the various sects and divisions.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!!! Thanks!!