Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sex in Church?

I'm in the middle of teaching a 4-week series at church called "The Naked Truth - God's Design for Sex and Intimacy." Does learning about sex in church seem weird or awkward to you? When you think of Christians and sex, do you automatically think "prudish, outdated and close-minded"? A lot of people I talk to seem to think that way.

I get bummed when I think about the fact that as Christians, we believe in the God who created sex and blessed humanity with such a powerful gift - and yet for one reason or another, people think we are anti-sex. Granted, this gift has been abused and disrepsected by masses - but it remains a gift. In fact, the very first command in Scripture is "Go have sex!" (OK, God actually says to Adam and Eve "Be fruitful and multiply" - but He wasn't talking about planting an orchard!).

Why does sex get so complicated? What does a 2000-plus year old book like The Bible have to say to an advanced culture like ours about an issue so complex? I'd be interested to know your church an appropriate place for an in-depth discussion about.....uh.....boom-chicka-wah-wah? Come hang out with us Sundays for the next four weeks and decide for yourself....

Here are the topics...
Week 1 - The Word on Sex - What the Bible actually DOES teach.....
Week 2 - Straight talk to the Ladies - That's what SHE said....
Week 3 - Straight talk to the Dudes - Listen up, fellas!
Week 4 - The Healing Path - Hope for the sexually wounded....


  1. Maybe we'll have to take a road trip and see how this goes for you! I think church is the perfect place for such a topic. Considering sex is one of the top reasons for divorce, I think we are too self consumed to allow God into that part of our life. For the sake of allowing God to be in our marriages, not just part, but all of our lives, we need this! I'm picturing your wife sitting there turning a little red. Should be fun!

  2. I did similar series in October called GodLoveSex that centered around Song of Solomon. I was able to use LifeChurch's graphics which was helpful.

    I know some people think it's inappropriate, but I couldn't disagree more. We need more of this straight talk in church. Most people are hungry for it. You'll always have some upset, but it's worth it to speak the truth and to do it in a way that connects with people who haven't felt the church is relevant.

    Good for you, Jeremy!

    Jeff Myers
