Most of you have seen the reports about how Rev. Terry Jones and his church in Gainesville, FL. are sponsoring a “Koran burning” on September 11, 2010. This kind of behavior is – in my opinion – nothing more than a disgraceful, cheap stunt done in a manner that is both anti-Christian and anti-American. This week I join our Secretary of State and other political and religious leaders in their condemnation of the actions of this church.
In 1790, George Washington wrote to a synagogue in Newport, RI that “This country will give to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.” As a Christian, I am obviously in disagreement with some of the teachings of the Koran as I understand them. Yet as both a Christian and an American, I believe in religious liberty and tolerance of those I disagree with. And I also benefit greatly by their treatment of me in similar fashion. I may not choose to worship alongside of a person from another faith, but I will rigorously stand alongside of them in defense of their right to worship as they see fit.
In his condemnation of the terror attacks on 9/11, Reverend Jones is now lowering himself to a level on par with the very terrorists he condemns. In fact, his actions are eerily reminiscent of a former terrorist regime known as the Nazis. I'm no genius, but I think a good rule of thumb is that if Hitler practiced it, it's probably something we should avoid! Repaying evil for evil is not only unbiblical, but extremely unwise in a case like this. In addition to his actions bringing reproach to the Name of Christ, Rev. Jones and his church are also putting many innocent people at risk by inciting more violence against Americans, U.S. Troops and peaceful Christians, Jews and Muslims worldwide.
All legitimate Christians should wholeheartedly repudiate the unfortunate and despicable actions of this pastor and his church. Please pray with me as we remember those lost on 9/11, that this church and its sympathizers will be largely ignored and that the radicals who might respond to this Koran burning with violence will not be successful in the needless taking of more innocent lives.