It is my opinion that the term "racist" is being used WAY too freely these days. Before I go any further, let me affirm to anyone who does not know me well that as a Christian, I believe racism to be evil, immoral, unjust and against the most basic ideals of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Racism has no place in the life of a Christian and should be peacefully resisted in America on all fronts.
That's why I am so upset that the definition of racism is being so mischaracterized by many on the radical left of the political aisle - with the latest example being this ridiculous notion that Arizona's new crackdown on illegal aliens is racism. In a ploy of almost unbelievable audacity, Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva recently called upon President Obama to force Arizona to overturn their legislation mandating sworn peace officers and Border Patrol agents to begin more strictly monitoring and questioning those who they suspect may be in the country illegally.
Silly me for being one of those out of touch, old-fashioned idiots who is naive enough to suppose that the main responsibility of the Border Patrol is to CONTROL THE BORDER. I must have missed the memo about these officers and agents no longer being allowed to do the job our tax dollars are paying them to do!
I understand the opposition's argument about fears of racial profiling - which is why I actually went online and READ the bill. It clearly prohibits law enforcement personnel from racial profiling - among several other extremely strict stipulations. Google it and read for yourself if you don't believe me!
You can tell I am passionate about this stuff, can't you? I am so sick and tired of the far left yelling "racism" any time a white person questions the policies of our black president. I am grieved by the notion that some people cannot offer critical analysis of ideas they believe are bad for our country without being labeled with such a terrible and false charge of racism. And I cannot understand the notion that a long-overdue crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona is now being labeled as a "racist" agenda.
The far left continually talks about how we are now finally a "post-racial" society - with the election of Barack Obama as their greatest proof. While I too celebrate the progress we have made in tearing down racial bigotry in our great country - my opinion is that an even greater evidence of our becoming "post-racial" as a nation will occur when two things happen:
1) When the far-left stops using the term "racist" in such an illegitimate, unwarranted and ill-defined manner, and
2) When a President-of-color can be voted out of office based on his policy failures and no one so much as brings his race into the discussion.
When did agreeing to enforce our states' illegal immigration laws become a racist endeavor? I don't care whether it is a Mexican or a red-haired Irish Canadian attempting to come to America illegally! He or she should be treated humanely, punished to the full extent of the law and deported with no chance for re-entry. This is exactly how Mexico treats the thousands of Guatemalans who illegally cross Mexico's southern border each year! Wouldn't it be great if we could at least enforce our laws as well as Mexico enforces theirs?
Now the Phoenix Suns are sporting "Los Suns" on their Jerseys as a protest from the owner of their team. I truly wish one of their star players had the cajones to sit out of the game without pay in protest of his jersey being used as a political propaganda billboard. I think Dennis Miller said it best when he questioned why nobody is memorializing the poor Arizona farmer who was recently murdered by illegal immigrants or the cop who was recently shot while chasing down illegal immigrants or the dozens of other examples of how out of control this problem is!
That's my opinion - what's yours? If you have a strong conviction that you can share respectfully - please feel free to join in with your comments! :)